jQuery Popups
JavaScript popups are handy to display help information or to zoom in an Image. There are different types of Popups. The first type is a new browser window opened using the window.open() function. Such types of Popup windows were overused and exploited by many websites during the earlier days of the web.This resulted in the later versions of browsers blocking popup windows. Eventually, popup windows became almost extinct now. Automatically opening popup windows is considered a very bad practice.
JavaScript Popup Windows
JavaScript popups are handy to display help information or to zoom in an Image. There are different types of Popups. The first type is a new browser window opened using the window.open() function. Such types of Popup windows were overused and exploited by many websites during the earlier days of the web. This resulted in the later versions of browsers blocking popup windows. Eventually, popup windows became almost extinct now. Automatically opening popup windows is considered a very bad practice.
Using the window.close method
It may be needed that you need to give a close link in the popup you created. The window.close () method could be used to close a window. However, there are certain security restrictions for using the close() method. The close method closes only windows opened by JavaScript using the open method. If you attempt to close any other window, a confirm message is displayed, asking the user to choose whether the window is to be closed or not.
Using the window.open method
The syntax of the window.open method is given below: open (URL, windowName[, windowFeatures]) URL The URL of the page to open in the new window. This argument could be blank. windowName A name to be given to the new window. The name can be used to refer this window again. windowFeatures A string that determines the various window features to be included in the popup window (like status bar, address bar etc) The following code opens a new browser window with standard features.